Monday, 31 December 2012

wrapping up 2012

Hi, I hope each of you had a special Christmas with family and friends! It's such a beautiful time of year where I live! I'm looking out my third floor window, where my computer is, it's a cold sunny day and all the rooftops are covered with blankets of fluffy snow!

I love to make crafts before Christmas, usually they end up as Christmas gifts, but this year I made a couple for myself! The only person who got a handmade gift this year was my sister, I made her this ribbon and felt wreath.

Last year I became obsessed with little pressed cardboard houses called Putz or glitter houses. They were made in Japan for the American market and were really popular from 1928 until 1937. They are covered with sparkly mica chips. They stopped making them in the 1950's. I bought a little pink one on ebay last year and a few little turquoise ones in an antique store. Then I found a reproduction, larger version at Winners last year. This year after being inspired by a magazine article I designed to make a few of my own.

I had so much fun making them. I saved little cardboard boxes, including one Kraft Dinner box, turned them inside out and painted them white. I used sheet of glitter foam I found at the dollar store for the roofs and door and then put clear glitter on all the white parts!

A few weeks later we were at my sister's and she had found cute wooden houses at the dollar store for us to paint. My neice, above, my daughter, sister and I love to make crafts together!

These are my glitter houses and church lined up on my mantel. The green one on the left is the one I bought at Winners.

I have wanted a christmas ball wreath since I first saw Martha Stewart make one many years ago. I managed to find the ornaments on sale and finally made one!

I made this advent centrepiece. You light a candle each of the four Sundays before Christmas and then the centre one to present Christ's birth on Christmas morning.

 I managed to finish a wall hanging for myself before Christmas using a collection of Denyse Schmidt fabrics.

and get finally get this double size quilt I made finished except for the binding. I hired someone to  machine quilt it for me and she did a great job!

My family came over on Christmas day and after llunch we made these minature foam confections, the largest is 2 inches across. They harden and will last forever, what fun!

For the past couple of Christmases, my family has started a crafty gift exchange, the first year's items were made of air dry modelling clay, last year was dollar store canvesses and this year's item had to be made from rocks! Here are some of our creations!

Thanks for looking at my blog. You may remember that I started this last year as a new year's resolution to myself, and amazingly I'm still at it! It may be the only resolution I've ever kept. I hope to keep it up during the next year! I've had 1400 views, totally amazing to me.

Hope each of you have a happy new year, a year of health, hope and happiness!

Friday, 7 December 2012

cakes and quilts

It's been ages since I've had time to work on my blog, November and December just seem to be so busy. My twin nephews recently turned 7 so I have a cake update. The theme for this year was Power Rangers. I had to google them to see what they looked like, my kids must have been the wrong age when they were popular the first time around. It's amazing what you get to learn when you have kids in your life! The first two cakes are their family birthday cakes, then a photo of them in their Halloween costumes, which my sister made for them and then the school birthday cake!

I also found some quilt photos that had gotten missed so I'm putting their photos in now!

I designed this lap quilt myself using fabrics that reminded me of the fabulous week Barry and I spent in the Mayan Riviera in Mexico in 2011. I loved the bright colours of Mexico, especially the turquoise water!

This is a wall hanging that I started several years ago and finally finished!

 Last year I wanted to design my own quilt pattern. It was much harder to do than I had expected! I made the one above in blues and greens and it reminds me of the south of France.
This was the first version, unfortunately the colours in this photo don't really show up as well as I'd like, that's why I made the second version in brighter colours!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

more birthday cakes

I managed to find a cute photo of me and my birthday cake from when I was four, it looks like angel food with the yummy pudding and whipped cream frosting!

Some of our earlier, not so fancy cakes...

This one is for Barry.

                                        This one was for Great Grandpa Stoesz

       My niece loves to bake and decorate cakes, she did this one by herself for me this year!

               My niece and I designed and decorated this one for my daughter, who turned 21.

                              These are the cakes I have decorated for my twin nephews.

                                             This is their first birthday cake!

                                  Third birthday, the dirt is crushed oreo cookies.

                                 They each wanted their own cakes for age 4.

                                              Buzz Lightyear and Bowzer for age 5.

                                                          Age 6 Monster cakes.

                                                                Age 6, class party

                                    Chuckie cake make for my nephew several years ago

                                  Cake made for my friend's daughter for her first birthday

Monday, 22 October 2012

it isn't a birthday without a cake!

Besides quilting, and going to flea markets I also like to bake and decorate cakes. Over the years I've become the unofficial Stoesz family birthday cake baker. My mom always made my birthdays special and I remember the cakes being delicious and pretty. She usually baked sponge or angel food cakes with fluffy whipped cream and pudding frosting, still one of my favourites.

These are some cakes I made for my daughter Taylor

                                                                  age 11

                                                                  age 13
Age 15, she decorate this one herself!

Some of my son, Carson's birthday cakes

My niece's birthday cakes
age 2, with cousins

age 3

age 4, friend cake

age 4, family cake

                                                                    age 7

                                                                     age 9

age 10,she designed this one and we decorated together!