Thursday, 3 May 2012

more turquoise things

I really do love the colour turquoise as you could see from my spring quilts. I realized after I posted it that I forgot to include the quilt I finally finished for our bed. I pieced it, but had someone machine quilt it for me. I named it Beach Glass, I didn't follow any pattern for this quilt, my quilting friends will tell you I never really follow the patterns anyway, I always need to change something!

I also wanted to show you my turquoise pottery collection. Non of the pieces are valuable, I try not to spend more than $20 per piece. There are pieces from the 1930's until today. When I'm on a holiday I try to get to a least one antique store and add a piece!

I have a very small collection of Vase Heads as well. I found the first one (the white one) in Moose Jaw 11 years ago. In perfect conditon they can cost $70-$120. But I just collect them because I like them so I only buy ones that are chipped and priced around $25. The turquoise lady on the left I bought this spring in Fargo. The blue one I bought in Winnipeg this winter. They are made in Japan and were produced in the 1930's and 40's.

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