Thursday, 20 September 2012

baby quilts

It's fun to make quilts for friends who have babies! The first baby quilts I helped make were for  three women who quilted with our group. The babies who received these first quilts are no longer babies!

This one of the first baby quilts I made on my own, for a friend.

This baby quilt was made 10 years ago for my niece. I made my sister dig it out of storage and took this yesterday!

I made two exactly the same for my twin nephews. They arrived a month before their due date so in this photo they are on one of the quilts. They are almost 7 now.

        This quilt was made for my cousin's daughter.

      This one was made for a friend's new baby son.

This is one was made for a cousin's son.

I made this for a neighbour's son and his wife who recently had a baby boy.

I realized when I was gathering these photos that there are lots more that somehow I managed not to take any photos of! Oh well, lesson learned.

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